We found 10 episodes of Changing the Narrative with David Rives with the tag “wonders without number”.
Episode 006: The Human Ear
February 4th, 2020 | 24 mins 30 secs
christianity, creation, david rives, david rives ministries, science, wonders without number
The book of Proverbs says that God has made both the hearing ear and the seeing eye. So what about the ear? All we see when we look at our ear is a bit of cartilage and muscle covered by skin; but what looks simple on the surface turns out to be very specifically designed on the inside. The ability to hear would be threatened if even one component was missing.
Episode 005: Marvels of the Mouth
January 28th, 2020 | 24 mins 30 secs
christianity, creation, david rives, david rives ministries, science, wonders without number
All of us have had the unpleasant experience of biting our tongues. It doesn't occur often; but when it does, it hurts. What keeps that from happening all the time. Does the evolutionary model make sense when we look at our teeth? Or does the mouth and jaw show amazing complexity and design?
Episode 004: Lucy Exposed
January 21st, 2020 | 24 mins 30 secs
christianity, creation, david rives, david rives ministries, science, wonders without number
Lucy, the best example of human evolution is a fraud.
Episode 003: God's Word Preserved Through Adversity
November 25th, 2019 | 24 mins 30 secs
christianity, creation, david rives, david rives ministries, science, wonders without number
Through the ages, faithful men and women have endured great persecution so that we can hold the Bible in our hands and read it for ourselves: bloodshed, perseverance and boldness beyond imagination.